Sunday, November 6, 2011

48 Days 'Til Christmas

Some thoughts:

  1. I hate squeezing into bathroom stalls.  Curse the man who thought the door should open into the stall
  2. I don't like that I sit down to eat and already feel full, I don't even get that
  3. I don't like that I'm always tired.  Anyone who knows me knows I love sleep but this is ridiculous
  4. Thank goodness for my weird time of life between freshman/sophomore year of high school where I thought medium hoodies looked good.  They finally fit me!
  5. My doctor checked the position of the baby and told me, "yeah, there's plenty of room still in there" I think I'm in a better position to say, "No, no there's not"
  6.  Why does heartburn have to exist?
  7. I'm on this crazy Christmas movie kick.  So far we've watched Home Alone 2, Elf, and How the Grinch Stole Christmas (w/ Jim Carey).  No better Christmas movies exist and no one can tell me differently
  8. All of a sudden sitting in church for three hours is about as much fun as being kicked in the head
  9. I love my husband, he keeps me from going crazy 


  1. hahaha. You poor thing. You're so close! Hang in there! Also, you could spend a couple hours in the hall at church because those chairs are way more comfortable.

  2. You forgot to mention A Muppets Christmas Carol...
